PT. DUMED POWER INDONESIA adalah Pusat Jual Beli Cari Sewa Harga Murah Produk Furniture Rumah Sakit yang memproduksi : Ranjang Pasien-Tempat Tidur Pasien-Ranjang Rumah Sakit, Manual, Elektrik, Kursi Tunggu, ABS, 1 Engkol, 1 Crank, 2 Engkol, 2 Crank, 3 Engkol, 3 Crank, Meja Periksa Pasien, Trolley, Brankar Ambulance, Kursi Roda, Alokon, Narkotika, Psikotropika, Lemari Narkotik, Lemari Alokon BKKBN, Obgyn Bed, Inkubator Bayi, Scrub Station, Blender Obat, Incenerator, Phantom, Alat Peraga, Manekin, DAK BKKBN 2018 dan lain-lainnya baik Powder Coating maupun Stainless Steel. Dengan wilayah pemasaran ke seluruh Indonesia. Kontak Person : Elfian Effendi, Mobile : 0813-1590-4286 atau 0821-2552-6000 Ranjang-Tempat Tidur Pasien-Rumah Sakit: Sibelmed Spirometer

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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Sibelmed Spirometer. Tampilkan semua postingan

Sibelmed::Spirometer Datospir Touch

Spirometer Sibelmed-Datospir Touch

Merek : Sibelmed
Type : Datospir Touch
made-in : Spanyol
Sibelmed Products Spirometers : [ Datospir Micro|Datospir Touch|Datospir 110|Datospir 120|Datospir 600|W20s]
The DATOSPIR touch spirometer has been designed by the RDI department of SIBEL S.A. with the collaboration of the Pneumology Department of the “Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona” and the Biophysics and Bioengineering Unit of the University of Barcelona, fulfilling the standardization criteria of the ATS/ERS TASK FORCE 2005 & SEPAR.
Main Features
High resolution color touchscreen.
Internal printer.
Rechargeable battery.
3 operating modes: Primary Care, Occupational Health or Diagnostic.
Spirometry quality control program: quality grades for tests, accuracy verification, and calibration program.
Modules: SpO2, MIP-MEP, Sniff and electronic weather station
Database with more than 3000 tests with graphs
Tests: FVC, VC, MVV, Bronchodilation,
Simultaneous F/V and V/T graphs.
Adult and pediatric incentive graphs.
On-screen help.
Integrated temperature sensor.
Connectivity via USB, BLUETOOTH, or ETHERNET*.
Interoperability compatible with HL7 (spirometry CDA)**.
Suitable for telemedicine.
PIN available (In compliance with the European standards for data protection, 95/46/EC).
*Ethernet: Connectivity to the Internet for sending tests by e-mail and for remote data monitoring.
**HL7: Health Level Seven is an international standard for the interoperability of health information systems. (With W20s software) CDA: Clinical Document Architecture.
Technical Specifications
Flow transducer: Fleisch, turbine or disposable (Lilly)
Measurement range (BTPS): Flow 0 ± 16 l/s; Volume 0 to 10 l
Accuracy (BTPS): Flow 5% or 200 ml/s; Volume: 3% or 50ml (ATS/ERS)
Dynamic resistance: <1.47 hPa (<1.5 cmH20) / (l/s) at 14 l/s
Display: 640 x 480 px and 5.7 inch high resolution color VGA touchscreen
Printer: 112 mm thermal graphic printer
Rechargeable battery: Ni-Mh 10.8V 2500mAh. Duration 1.5h approx.
No. of maneuvers per patient: 8 FVC, 8 VC, 8 MVV
Operating Temperature-Humidity: 5 to 40ºC. < 85% (without condensation)
Power supply: 100 to 240V, 50 to 60Hz
Power: 30W
Dimensions: 195 x 270 x 100 mm
Weight: 1.7 kg
Storage temperature: -20ºC to 70ºC
Directive: 93/42/CEE on Medical Devices, Class IIa Product
Standards: EN 60601-1:2006, EN 60601-1-2:2007, EN 60601-1-6:2007, EN ISO 10993-1:2009, EN ISO 23747:2009, EN ISO 26782:2009, EN 62304:2006, EN 62366:2008, EN 1041:2008, EN 980:2008, EN ISO 14971:2009, EN ISO 9919:2009
FVC / Bronchodilation FVC (l) FEV1 (l) FEV1/FVC (%) PEF (l/s) FEF50%(l/s) FEF25-75% (l/s) FEV6 (l) FEV1/FEV0.5 (-) PEFT Vext (l) FIVC (l) FIF50% FEF50/FIF50 QC Grades FEV.5 (l) FEV3 (l) FEV.5/FVC (%) FEV3/FVC (%) FEV1/VC (%) FEV1/FEV6 (%) FEV1/PEF (%) FEV1/FIV1 (-) PEF/PIF (-) FEF25% (l/s) FEF75% (l/s) FEF75-85% (l/s) FET25-75 (s) FET100 (s) FIV1 (l) FIV1/FIVC (%) PIF (l/s) MTT (s) MVVInd (l/min) COPD Index (%) Lung age (years) VC VC (l) TV (l) ERV (l) IRV (l) IC (l) Ti (s) Te (s) Tt (s) Ti/Tt (%) MVV MVV (l/min) Br./min (Br/min) Bronchoconstriction FVC (l) FEV1 (l) PEF (l/s) FEF25-75% (l/s) PDx Sp02 Maximum SpO2 (%) Average SpO2 (%) Minimum SpO2 (%) SpO2 Std Dev (%) Maximum PR (BPM) Average PR (BPM) Minimum PR (BPM) PR Std Dev (BPM) CT90 (%) CT80 (%) CT70 (%) ODI-4 ODI-3 ODI-2 Test time (hh:mm:ss)
THAI 2000
Operating Modes
Occupational Health Mode (OC): Intended for occupational health clinics and insurance companies. Performs FVC and bronchodilation tests quick and easy for early detection of work-related lung diseases.
Primary Care Mode (PC): Intended for Primary Care centers. Performs the main tests with interactive help in order to obtain spirometries with similar quality to the ones performed at a specialized center (Spirometry quality control). Helps to detect and follow-up most common respiratory diseases such as Asthma or COPD.
Diagnostic Mode (DG): Intended for Pulmonary Function Laboratories specialized in lung diseases, providing the highest spirometry test control. It is the most complete mode that includes Bronchoconstriction Test, Occupational Health and Primary Care modes among other options.
Quality control program
Spirometry quality control program:
DATOSPIR touch includes an automatic function for spirometry quality control, based on the recommendations of the National Lung & Health Education Program (NLHEP).
QC Prompts: Helps the technician to provide good instructions to the patient in order to obtain high quality spirometry tests. At the end of a maneuver, an on-screen notification will inform of its acceptability.

Nama: Tn. Elfian Effendi
Situs Web:
Pesan Instan:
Nomer Telpon: 021-3912905
Nomer HP: 0813-1590-4286
Alamat: Jl. Kramat 4 No.2 – Kel. Kwitang, Kec.Senen
Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta (10420)
Spirometer Sibelmed-Datospir Touch

Merek : Sibelmed
Type : Datospir Touch
made-in : Spanyol
Sibelmed Products Spirometers : [ Datospir Micro|Datospir Touch|Datospir 110|Datospir 120|Datospir 600|W20s]
The DATOSPIR touch spirometer has been designed by the RDI department of SIBEL S.A. with the collaboration of the Pneumology Department of the “Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona” and the Biophysics and Bioengineering Unit of the University of Barcelona, fulfilling the standardization criteria of the ATS/ERS TASK FORCE 2005 & SEPAR.
Main Features
High resolution color touchscreen.
Internal printer.
Rechargeable battery.
3 operating modes: Primary Care, Occupational Health or Diagnostic.
Spirometry quality control program: quality grades for tests, accuracy verification, and calibration program.
Modules: SpO2, MIP-MEP, Sniff and electronic weather station
Database with more than 3000 tests with graphs
Tests: FVC, VC, MVV, Bronchodilation,
Simultaneous F/V and V/T graphs.
Adult and pediatric incentive graphs.
On-screen help.
Integrated temperature sensor.
Connectivity via USB, BLUETOOTH, or ETHERNET*.
Interoperability compatible with HL7 (spirometry CDA)**.
Suitable for telemedicine.
PIN available (In compliance with the European standards for data protection, 95/46/EC).
*Ethernet: Connectivity to the Internet for sending tests by e-mail and for remote data monitoring.
**HL7: Health Level Seven is an international standard for the interoperability of health information systems. (With W20s software) CDA: Clinical Document Architecture.
Technical Specifications
Flow transducer: Fleisch, turbine or disposable (Lilly)
Measurement range (BTPS): Flow 0 ± 16 l/s; Volume 0 to 10 l
Accuracy (BTPS): Flow 5% or 200 ml/s; Volume: 3% or 50ml (ATS/ERS)
Dynamic resistance: <1.47 hPa (<1.5 cmH20) / (l/s) at 14 l/s
Display: 640 x 480 px and 5.7 inch high resolution color VGA touchscreen
Printer: 112 mm thermal graphic printer
Rechargeable battery: Ni-Mh 10.8V 2500mAh. Duration 1.5h approx.
No. of maneuvers per patient: 8 FVC, 8 VC, 8 MVV
Operating Temperature-Humidity: 5 to 40ºC. < 85% (without condensation)
Power supply: 100 to 240V, 50 to 60Hz
Power: 30W
Dimensions: 195 x 270 x 100 mm
Weight: 1.7 kg
Storage temperature: -20ºC to 70ºC
Directive: 93/42/CEE on Medical Devices, Class IIa Product
Standards: EN 60601-1:2006, EN 60601-1-2:2007, EN 60601-1-6:2007, EN ISO 10993-1:2009, EN ISO 23747:2009, EN ISO 26782:2009, EN 62304:2006, EN 62366:2008, EN 1041:2008, EN 980:2008, EN ISO 14971:2009, EN ISO 9919:2009
FVC / Bronchodilation FVC (l) FEV1 (l) FEV1/FVC (%) PEF (l/s) FEF50%(l/s) FEF25-75% (l/s) FEV6 (l) FEV1/FEV0.5 (-) PEFT Vext (l) FIVC (l) FIF50% FEF50/FIF50 QC Grades FEV.5 (l) FEV3 (l) FEV.5/FVC (%) FEV3/FVC (%) FEV1/VC (%) FEV1/FEV6 (%) FEV1/PEF (%) FEV1/FIV1 (-) PEF/PIF (-) FEF25% (l/s) FEF75% (l/s) FEF75-85% (l/s) FET25-75 (s) FET100 (s) FIV1 (l) FIV1/FIVC (%) PIF (l/s) MTT (s) MVVInd (l/min) COPD Index (%) Lung age (years) VC VC (l) TV (l) ERV (l) IRV (l) IC (l) Ti (s) Te (s) Tt (s) Ti/Tt (%) MVV MVV (l/min) Br./min (Br/min) Bronchoconstriction FVC (l) FEV1 (l) PEF (l/s) FEF25-75% (l/s) PDx Sp02 Maximum SpO2 (%) Average SpO2 (%) Minimum SpO2 (%) SpO2 Std Dev (%) Maximum PR (BPM) Average PR (BPM) Minimum PR (BPM) PR Std Dev (BPM) CT90 (%) CT80 (%) CT70 (%) ODI-4 ODI-3 ODI-2 Test time (hh:mm:ss)
THAI 2000
Operating Modes
Occupational Health Mode (OC): Intended for occupational health clinics and insurance companies. Performs FVC and bronchodilation tests quick and easy for early detection of work-related lung diseases.
Primary Care Mode (PC): Intended for Primary Care centers. Performs the main tests with interactive help in order to obtain spirometries with similar quality to the ones performed at a specialized center (Spirometry quality control). Helps to detect and follow-up most common respiratory diseases such as Asthma or COPD.
Diagnostic Mode (DG): Intended for Pulmonary Function Laboratories specialized in lung diseases, providing the highest spirometry test control. It is the most complete mode that includes Bronchoconstriction Test, Occupational Health and Primary Care modes among other options.
Quality control program
Spirometry quality control program:
DATOSPIR touch includes an automatic function for spirometry quality control, based on the recommendations of the National Lung & Health Education Program (NLHEP).
QC Prompts: Helps the technician to provide good instructions to the patient in order to obtain high quality spirometry tests. At the end of a maneuver, an on-screen notification will inform of its acceptability.

Nama: Tn. Elfian Effendi
Situs Web:
Pesan Instan:
Nomer Telpon: 021-3912905
Nomer HP: 0813-1590-4286
Alamat: Jl. Kramat 4 No.2 – Kel. Kwitang, Kec.Senen
Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta (10420)